Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Daily Life 2

We got back to Olomouc from spring break about a week ago and had to resume our daily lives here.  At first I was a little nervous to get back and dive back into Czech language and staying in one place for more than a night.  We got back home and I unpacked everything then went about my day.  It was far easier than I thought it was going to be to get back in the groove of doing everything.  I did forget how to say hello and thank you for about a day.  Luckily, I remembered how to say most of the easy phrases we have learned so far in class.  Now that it has been about two months that we have been here, I am finally feeling comfortable moving around and talking to people here.  Once we got back from spring break I felt like I was coming back to my home and not just a college dorm room.  As I have been back I feel like life has gotten way easier than when we got here and even easier since break.  Life is a lot of fun here, being able to run around and know how to get places without asking for directions.  Also, it's nice knowing that getting lost isn't too scary anymore.  Other than moving around town on a normal day and finding places to eat and go shopping, there are plenty of new places to still explore here in Olomouc.  We have a few weeks left until it is time to pack up and go home, but this place feels like home now.  We still have about a week and half of classes left but that will go by super fast.  Classes are going well still.  They haven't changed much, we still have our history classes and our Czech language course.  Our language class is now just review for our final that is coming up in a little over a week.   We are all starting to plan what is going to happen when we are done with our semester, and where everyone is going.  I'm going to stay here in Olomouc for the final days and mess around with a few friends who are also staying here.  Being here for this long has really made me love this way of life.  walking around and just looking at buildings and walking into little shops on the street, and bumping into people that I know in town.  It has been so much fun so far to be able to experience all of this and get thrown into a new culture.  I enjoy this way of life and will really miss it once I get back home, but I'm also excited to be back to what I'm accustomed to.  I miss driving a car and being able to leave somewhere whenever I want.  I do enjoy not paying for gas though.  One thing that I am getting nervous about is the new sleep schedule once I get back home.  I got use to the time difference when I got here, however, going back seven hours might be a bigger challenge to get use too.  No day here is ever boring, we always manage to find something to do here in town.  Most mornings some people go on runs on a small country road.  It's not really a country road, just a road that isn't used a whole lot.  Other people sleep.  I am proud to say that I do both of those things.  Once a week I do laundry at the laundromat that is close to our rooms.  I'm also excited to do laundry for free once I get back home.  Most days are pretty easy getting around and doing simple tasks.  It's a lot of fun hanging out in cafe's or just walking around town and seeing all of the cool buildings or fountains in the city square.  Daily life in the Czech is loads of fun once you get the hang of getting around and learning some simple phrases to help out. 
Don't have too many photos of daily life, but some friends and I went to Budapest last weekend.

We had Tuesday off so we played paintball and had a barbecue. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Amazing how easy you young kids adapted to a different lifestyle. Lifetime of memories and much appreciated you can share them with us.
